Thursday, April 28, 2011

Site for next class.

I found a really interesting site that's called Zoo Burst, basically all it is a place where you can make pop up books and it's actually really fun and creative. You need to sign up for an account and then you can make one:)
I haven't made a book yet but I have signed up.. Try it out here!

Search Engines.

Pics4Learning: I chose Pics4Learning as one of my search engines because I decided to search Spain and I have always thought that Spain was such a pretty place. On Pics4Learning it only gives you pictures of what you search which is pretty cool.

WolFram Alpha: On this site you can put in any unit conversion, demographics or you can ask about a country and it will generate as much information as it can about what ever you typed in. I thought that this site would be very helpful in the future.

Addict-O-Matic: On Addict-O-Matic all you have to type in the search box is what you want to look for, for example 'Spain' and click go and automatically everything on the web about Spain comes up; news, twitter tweets, facebook status', google blog searches, wikio, and even some videos. This site could be helpful if you wanted information quick and easy.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Google & Google Docs.

Summer '12 I am going on a trip to Spain, the wonder wheel helped me find exactly the attractions I was looking for and I plan on using it while there. It is a lot easier than clicking on different links and having to use the 'back' button.

The Google Docs is very creative and I can see myself working with it on a project for English or Biology. It could really be useful in college, if you do online stuff. All you would need was a friends email and you could swap ideas or help each other write papers.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Kerpoof! (Movie)

I didn't think it was as fun as some of the other stuff we do. It's kind of confusing and hard to get. Also, there is not a lot of scenes to choose from and the characters are a bit cheesy. Maybe some one else might enjoy it more. Try it out!